Automotive Site Selection

Map Legend:Mazda/Toyota PinMazda/Toyota LogosBuilding PinAvailable BuildingsBuilding PinAvailable Sites

Mazda Toyota (MTM) suppliers: We’re your connection to all available industrial properties in North Alabama.

This page is an introduction to the initial data you will need to begin your site selection process. The selected profiles of available buildings and sites we’ve highlighted here have been provided by our network of local economic developers. These properties are an abbreviated sample of over 19,000 acres and 4.5 million square feet currently available in North Alabama. We encourage you to reach out to us for assistance with your specialized requirements. We will complete an extensive in-depth property search in the region for those that meet your project criteria.

We’re also your connection to targeted occupation and labor market information. We can generate reports by Zip Code or radius drive-time from any address. We can also provide information on our existing supplier base and the industries you may need to support your ongoing production.

Our services are always confidential and free of charge.
